Digital Products

Each project are digitalize by our customer request and tailored made accordingly to suits every enterprise and organization. 

Trusted by customers and partners at the top echelon of indonesian Business

Digital core banking built in indonesia for the world

Banktavia is a complete feature rich end to end digital core banking system with expertise in Indonesian Banking but easily customized for the world

Complete feature rich end to end digital core banking system

Digital Banking at its Core

Banking Core

Digital core banking paltform that is fully modular and based on the micro-services architecture


QRIS platform that has been proven operationally and is production ready, also compliant with BI regulations

Face Recognition

Facial recognition technology that can be used in digital E-KYC process and can be hosted easily and locally

In App Video Call

Video call built into the user application to enable easy E-KYC ro customer verification


Complete back office for full management of customers, products, reports, and staff authentication

API Gateway

Extend your bank into a greater eco-system through a clean API that is safe and secure and also easy to integrate

Our Platform

Core Banking systems are not flexible to changes. Tenarin offers you the opposite – every single features are tailored made to your needs.

Digital Core Banking

An End to End Core banking solution platform to help banks and financial institutions move fast and efficiently. Deploy internet banking, mobile banking, and core modules into a new or existing environment.

Merchant Management

Manage merchants both online and offline to onboard onto your payment platform.

QRIS Payment Gateway

QRIS Payment gateway provides a way to integrate into your core banking or e-wallet platforms required to operate in Indonesia standard.

Data Analytics

Allow the company to manage their investments, insights, and performance across many portfolios and assets on a holistic view.

Have Any Questions?


We pride ourselves in being able to bring a wealth of specialist knowledge to your organization with an approach that provides a clear link between your strategic direction, business requirements, and the delivery of new technology.

Our core priorities have stayed the same – a continual investment in technical expertise and putting clients first through outstanding service. We take the time to fully understand your business and offer strategic advice without bias for a mutually productive and ongoing relationship.

Cloud computing is fast becoming the simplest, most effective solution to business IT needs. We can dramatically reduce business expenditure across the board, while delivering a more streamlined and advanced IT solution. In reality with extensive experience in cloud hosting, our services can offer your company rigorous security and greater protection. In addition, cloud services will sit very well with your existing IT systems because you are not adding any new hardware or software. All you need is a web browser connection. You can eliminate the hassle and cost required to manage and maintain your own equipment. Free up limited resources to focus on your core business projects. Get the benefits of a secure, enterprise-class data center for a fraction of the cost of an on-premise solution.

  • Analysis of business requirements, existing infrastructure and systems
  • Selection of optimal solutions and platforms for implementing parameters (price / coverage requirements / implementation time and development / ease of maintenance)
  • Optimisation of business requirements with the client to fully benefit from new capabilities
  • Prototyping solutions and integration with the customer
  • Development and testing of software
  • Implementing solutions for key users
  • Adjustments following user feedback
  • Duplication for new users, formal launch of solution
  • Minimised costs for implementing complex or unusual business requirements, accelerating solution building
  • Retention of company’s accumulated experience and know-how in information flows and building business processes

We are experts at delivering software and infrastructure solutions optimised around our clients’ requirements. You can be assured that our engineered technical solutions are designed around maximum reliability, maximum end user satisfaction, and minimal calls to the help desk afterwards!

Whether you’ll be moving your entire infrastructure to a public cloud (owned by a 3rd party), building your own private cloud (owned by you) or even implementing a hybrid cloud (mix of the two) we can facilitate the process.

Cloud services is not just about the technology it will change IT staffing requirements, the way you interact with vendors and how technology supports your business processes.

We have the right combination of technology and business experience to help you prepare for your implementation and to move all or part of your technology to cloud services.

From help with network design through to software development, project management and process improvement, we’ll provide a solid strategic IT focus for your organisation. We’ll also benchmark your capabilities through quarterly technology planning and provide procurement services that get you the best deal available through our strong vendor relationships developed over more than 10 years in the industry.